
Break a promise

Dear Chelsea,
Was going to meet Paul Gauguin this morning with Baobao, She is my new friend I met in our lessons. Coz she was late so I have to change my date with Mr Gauguin, doesn't mater I live very close to him. 
Surprise surprise~Ai Weiwei is coming! He is half of my countrymen♥. I am so glad that he will hold his exhibition in TATE here, looking forward to see it.
Also saw a interesting rubber stamp in the store. Similar to the one we mentioned before in vis com by Dominic Wilcox, but it is written'' This is not a work of art'' by Marcel Broodthaers.

1 条评论:

  1. This exhibition was soooo crowded and I just can't stand it!(*o*'')

    Sorry again of my late :P
