
Design in art

Dear Chelsea,

Last contextual studies we talked about things between art and design, my definition for them would be art always been art, but design is apart of art, it is just an art piece with physical functions. they are not actually 2 thing,  Its just one is more pure, more to do with spiritual fulfillment.

If you have a pair of artistic eye, than you will see all things differently. Any thing can be artistic, as we talked about in <ways of seeing> part, an object been put in an art gallery or at home. Will be defined differently, but that object it doesn’t really change just like the essence of beauty. The only thing changed would be the eye you looked at it. And that’s the main point.

Nowadays art and design are mixing together more and more (super flat?). People won't just look at the functions. They’d likes to have an art piece in their house. Design is always around us. People would like to choose the good-looking one. Also engineering and design itself is beautiful with wisdom. How cool is it~ function with beauty itself.


Silver streak in the Opera gallery

Dear Chelsea,
Saw this very noticeable big ape by David Mach in the Opera Gallery on Bond street. found it nearly makes everyone to stop their step to look at it. Amazing attractive power. This 3 meters tall gorilla sculpture  made with 3000 coat hangers with every silvery long thom  are full of tension, really shows the emotion and the movement  of the gorilla. interesting pice.


Sunflower seeds

My dear chelsea,
The exhibition in TATE modern's Turbine Hall   by Ai Weiwei called Sun flower Seed was so nice yesterday. Love the name "Sunflower seed" feeling all about happiness sunshine and all the bright warm side of the world. Want to hug everyone at that moment. Cos it is a very common snack in china, remind me my home and grandparents. 
on monday's unveiling those handmade porcelain sunflower seeds were allowed been touch and step on, so regret i didn't go
And this put incorporate ancient crafts and traditions into contemporary art idea is a very good way to represent art now in china and China  ... Ai weiwei actually painted 3 of them, but they threw them away, coz they looked so bad... oh~he is so cute♥! Really want that 3 seeds, can made them as my earring or necklace.
The video was showing how they have been made, happy faces~


Dominic Wilcox

Dear chelsea,
Can't believe I really saw him and heard his voice. Love his work and life style. I think I start to love him from that time~~~ imagine live with him, life will be so interesting and full of fun, it will never gets dull, things like having home made smoothy or making bread lamp shade together...OK, stop my foolish illusion.
The good things he have and i can really learn from is the action and creation, when you got a good idea ,you must do it soon, otherwise that idea will just misbirth...
That 30 days project was very exciting, maybe i can do it at some point.


Design Museum

Dear Chelsea,
On Tuesday,witch is yesterday, I went to the Design Museum. Got down from the tube than walked there. Nice weather, lazy warm light on the river and the Tower bridge. It was a very nice little cute museum, love the spatial look inside. Saw quite a lot of interesting things.like the goggle jacket designed by Aitor Throup. Love his sketch and manuscript. but his ready-made doesn't look attractive enough for me. Also the  famous Sackler Crossing. As one of the world's most sublime landscapes it looks so beautiful and  tranquility in the picture, the sculptural serpentine bridge and naturally look garden stay together in harmony. love the shape and materials of it.



Vyner street

Dear chelsea,
Last night, Baobao and I went to the Vyner street, very nice atmosphere, made me feel I really belong here ~.saw a lost of works other  artists did. love some of them, altho some  are not that maturely ripely. like me. 
So happy I did go. We shall so act that we shall have nothing to regret miss it. it always been good to see more things.
It was raining and cold, can't believe I worked so hard so late for art♥~haha


Break a promise

Dear Chelsea,
Was going to meet Paul Gauguin this morning with Baobao, She is my new friend I met in our lessons. Coz she was late so I have to change my date with Mr Gauguin, doesn't mater I live very close to him. 
Surprise surprise~Ai Weiwei is coming! He is half of my countrymen♥. I am so glad that he will hold his exhibition in TATE here, looking forward to see it.
Also saw a interesting rubber stamp in the store. Similar to the one we mentioned before in vis com by Dominic Wilcox, but it is written'' This is not a work of art'' by Marcel Broodthaers.


last week in SEP

Dear Chelsea,
Went to Eadweard Muybridge in TATE Britain, and the FLOW gallery.
 Love♥ the FLOW, it was taking apart in "the shape of things". Really helped me to do what we were doing last week in 3D spacial. specially like the artist Halima Cassel's design for the container part 
 It is a very small gallery but still, its a good place to go.
c u on Monday.



Ok, from now on I ll  start working on this blog, hello chelsea~♥