Dear Chelsea,
Last contextual studies we talked about things between art and design, my definition for them would be art always been art, but design is apart of art, it is just an art piece with physical functions. they are not actually 2 thing, Its just one is more pure, more to do with spiritual fulfillment.
If you have a pair of artistic eye, than you will see all things differently. Any thing can be artistic, as we talked about in <ways of seeing> part, an object been put in an art gallery or at home. Will be defined differently, but that object it doesn’t really change just like the essence of beauty. The only thing changed would be the eye you looked at it. And that’s the main point.
Nowadays art and design are mixing together more and more (super flat?). People won't just look at the functions. They’d likes to have an art piece in their house. Design is always around us. People would like to choose the good-looking one. Also engineering and design itself is beautiful with wisdom. How cool is it~ function with beauty itself.